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Photography is more than totally automatic digital cameras and technical formulas that give f8 at 250 or whatever. Photography is having an eye that sees something while other just pass by. Photography is finding and framing a slice of life that evokes an emotion and power in the image you capture with your camera.

We don't spend hours in the darkroom anymore trying to make the perfect print. With the new totally automatic digital cameras, we don't have to worry about focus, exposure and film speed or do we? The perfect picture is not always the best picture. Sometimes a photo that is darker may bring mood to your photo that is non-existent with the perfect exposure. I often bracket my Sony dslr three exposures just to get the right shot. Another problem with dslrs is that if left on program you can't show motion or blur the image to get a special affect, you need to explore all the options on your camera including shutter priority, aperture priority and manual modes to get the right photo.

A good photographer is a good observer, just as a good conversationalist is a good listener. If you are aware of your environment and can focus in on the various elements in that total you can frame the most dramatic shot.

I do admit that luck has a lot to do with good photography but when that lucky situation happen, you must be ready to capture it and make the most of the shot with your camera tools and your creative instinct. My photos to right are a combination of all of these factors but I had to crop the photo with my camera to produce the most dramatic image. Strong colors can add to your image but even shade of gray can be dynamic as well. If the image touches your heart it will also touch the hearts of those who view the image. Your own eye and creativity are what really makes the difference

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